When it comes to the most intimate thing for the whole family, a newborn baby, we understand that the highest quality of any process is paramount.

Our team creates works of high visual accuracy. And after working with dozens of families, we can assure you that the most awe-inspiring process - making molds - will not cause you any discomfort.

We make sure that we can do it quick and safe by using only organic materials.
Making molds doesn’t take much time or effort. Our specialists come to any location convenient for you and bring all the necessary materials.

Making a mold takes just a little more than one minute. A bit more time will be needed to prepare the molds and sign the documents necessary for our work with the baby. Usually our visit takes about half an hour.

Immediately after the molds are made, we head to the workshop to get the first plaster sample of the future miniature as soon as possible and let you know about the successful result.